Luncheon Menu (4)

Tomato stuffed with cottage cheese on chickory. Sliced raw carrots. Asparagus with hollandaise sauce. Corn fritters. Ripe olives.

Tuna fish salad garnished with sour red cherries. French dressing and salted crackers. Chicken sandwich with guava jelly. Jellied clam and jellied tomato juice chopped together (half and half). Serve with lemon.

Thin slice ham with mushroom sauce and 3 mushroom caps. Slice tomato. Rolls. Salad - green with cauliflower and blue cheese in dressing. Pear with meringue and whipped cream. Coffee.

French fried onion rings. Carrots cups (mashed) filled with peas and celery. Avocado pear and orange slices on chickory. Baked Tomato Puff - tomato filled with mashed potato and around potato a ring of green pepper. Olives.
