Anniversary Party ~ Cheers to 35 Years!
We appreciated day with luncheon!
Sharing our team!
Collaboration is about how we do our work together, well!
A team is a group of individuals that support each other.
Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear . . .
the blind can see by Mark Twain.
Made the team!
Informations of Lectures!
Welcome to DeafBlind Association of Connecticut Website . . .
is pleased to announce the release of our new website and welcome you to join us. Our new site has been redesigned with a fresh new look and has been updated with information about related our latest news and events. Additionally, our new site will provide support and information on all things what is happening in Connecticut, DeafBlind related and beyond. DeafBlind Association of the Connecticut offers the services and programs for people of all ages who are blind or have vision impairments.
Latest News
Posted: August 8, 2023 --
Announced a new program for various special color backgrounds and / or raised text fonts when you can read it better which do you select one that indicates an new icon as sample of
click it open at left side.
You may read it better screen by tablet of your iPhone, Samsung, or iPad, and PC or Apple computer that already fixed it, well.
Posted: June 25, 2023 --
We have a next general Meeting on September 16, 2023
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